Ahmet Kalyoncuoglu, CEO, Sinevizyon TV Production Romania
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“I’ve worked with Stratula & Asociatii day-to-day for the past four years, and no matter the problem, they’ve had the solution. My legal services shortlist starts and ends with them”....
Albert Pinzaru, Group legal Director, Anchor Group
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“During our 3 year collaboration so far, Stratula & Asociatii have provided top of the line legal services, ingenious solutions and pro-active thinking, for friendly fees. And 100% success rate so far, to top it all”....
Ali Capa, CEO, Wienerwald Romania
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“Stratula & Asociatii offer sound advice, practical solutions and in-no-time feedback on all matters. Add some friendly fees to this mix, and you get one fabulous legal services deal”....
Amira Syoufi, former Country Manager, York Test Romania
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“The sound legal knowledge, excellent reaction, ingenious solutions and hands-on approach of each matter, warmly recommend the practice of Strătulă & Asociații”....
Elena Ion, Commercial Director, Lowe & Partners
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“Stratula & Asociatii provide us excellent assistance in a great variety of legal issues. With prompt, focused and efficient advice, they find ingenious solutions to each legal puzzle”...
Laura Moisi, Legal Counsel, British American Tobacco Romania
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“Over the last 3 years, Stratula & Asociatii have provided outstanding dispute resolution advice. Whether it is arbitration, administrative procedures, or commercial disputes, when it comes to successful awards, they are the ones to see”....
Nadia Comanescu, former Chief Legal, Pfizer Romania
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“Stratula & Asociatii offer excellent services within incredible timeframes, for more than reasonable fee rates. They are one great deal”....
Radu Culic, former Corporate Affairs and Legal Director, UPC Romania
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“Stratula & Asociatii skillfully blend the top quality services of big law firms, with the friendly fees of a boutique, and the very important personal involvement of both partners – and that is an outstanding deal”....